Variational Inference: Does Adding Data Reduce the Approximate Posterior Uncertainty?

This problem has a critical bug and will be updated in the future.

Given a dataset \( \Dc = \{(\xv_i, y_i)\} _ {i=1}^{n} \), a prior \( p(\wv) \), and a likelihood \( p(\Dc \mid \wv) = \prod_{i=1}^{n} p((\xv_i, y_i) \mid \wv) \), variational inference approximates the posterior \( p(\wv \mid \Dc) \) by minimizing the Kullback–Leibler divergence \( \Ds_\KL(q, p(\wv \mid \Dc)) \) inside a variational family \(\Qc \ni q\). Equivalently, this is the same as maximizing the evidence lower bound \[ \begin{equation} \label{eq:elbo} \maxi_{q \in \Qc} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \Eb _ {q(\wv)} \log p((\xv_i, y_i) \mid \wv) - \Ds_\KL(q(\wv), p(\wv)). \end{equation} \] We assume the prior \( p(\wv) \) is a standard Gaussian \( \Nc(\zero, \Iv) \), the variational family \( \Qc \) is the collection of all Gaussians, and the likelihood \( p((\xv_i, y_i) \mid \wv) \) is log-concave in \( \wv \) for all \(i \in [n]\).

  1. Show that ELBO \eqref{eq:elbo} has a unique maximizer.

  2. For each \(m \in [n]\), thanks to the existence and uniqueness of the maximizer, define \[ \Nc(\muv_m, \Sigmav_m) = \argmax_{q \in \Qc} \sum_{i=1}^{m} \Eb _ {q(\wv)} \log p((\xv_i, y_i) \mid \wv) - \Ds_\KL(q(\wv), p(\wv)) \] as the optimal variational distribution with the first \( m \) data points only. Prove the inequalities \[ \begin{equation} \label{eq:variational-contraction} \Iv \succeq \Sigmav_1 \succeq \Sigmav_2 \succeq \cdots \succeq \Sigmav_n. \end{equation} \]

  3. Show that the inequalities in \eqref{eq:variational-contraction} become strict if the likelihood \( p((\xv_i, y_i) \mid \wv) \) is strictly log-concave in \(\wv\) for all \(i \in [n]\). That is, the approximate posterior uncertainty shrinks with more data.

  4. Can you construct a pathological example where increasing the number of data points inflates the posterior uncertainty? Necessarily, the likelihood \( p((\xv, y) \mid \wv) \) cannot be log-concave in \( \wv \).

Let’s appreciate the results for a moment. The approximate posterior contracts regardless of the label, as long as the likelihood is strictly log-concave. This might be counter-intuitive in some cases. For example, consider variational Bayesian logistic regression on a linearly separable dataset. Adding outliers to the dataset, after which the data becomes non-separable, strictly reduces the posterior uncertainty. How weird is that!


We provide a few common examples that satisfy the assumptions.

Bayesian Linear Regression. The likelihood is \[ p((\xv_i, y_i) \mid \wv) = \Nc(y_i; \wv^\top \xv_i, \sigma^2) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi \sigma^2}} \exp\Big(-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2} \lVert y_i - \wv^\top \xv_i \rVert^2\Big), \] where \(\sigma > 0\) is the noise standard deviation. The log-likelihood is a negative quadratic function, which of course is concave. The maximizer of ELBO \eqref{eq:elbo} has a closed-form \[ \Nc\bigg( \big(\Xv^\top \Xv + \sigma^2 \Iv\big)\inv \Xv^\top \yv, \Big(\Iv + \frac{1}{\sigma^2} \Xv^\top \Xv\Big)\inv \bigg), \] where \(\Xv = (\xv_1, \xv_2, \cdots, \xv_n)^\top\) and \(\yv = (y_1, y_2, \cdots, y_n)^\top \in \Rb^n\).

Bayesian Logistic Regression. The likelihood is \[ p((\xv_i, y_i) \mid \wv) = y_i \cdot s(\wv^\top \xv_i) + (1 - y_i) \cdot (1 - s(\wv^\top \xv_i)), \] where \(s(\cdot)\) is the sigmoid function and \(y_i \in \{0, 1\}\). One can verify the likelihood is indeed strictly log-concave in \(\wv\). The ELBO \eqref{eq:elbo} does not have a closed-form maximizer in this case, and thus we have to resort to stochastic optimization.